ExosomePlus was founded in 2018
to drive an extracellular vesicle (EV) revolution, bringing the best EV isolation and
characterization platform in the field of regenerative therapy to bear on research wide
challenges faced by pharmaceutics industry.
Moving discovery from the lab to the real world, ExosomePlus are forming strategic partnerships to help companies integrate high purity exosomes into targeting for greater efficacy, versatility, and results. Our decade of directed exosome and its application R&D before establishment have resulted in more than 10 patents and applications. With a majority of our professional staff and management, advisory board members having doctoral or other higher degrees, our employees bring extensive experience in our target markets. ExosomePlus draws on these human resources to serve the needs of industry leaders in medical science with our core technology capabilities.
ExosomePlus is proud to be backed by the following industry leading venture capital firms 
Advisory Board
Chung-Soo Kim, MD
Professor, Urology, Seoul A-San Medical Center
Head, A-San Life Science Research Center
Visiting professor, Duke University
MD, Seoul National University
Yong-Goo Kim, MD / PhD
Specialty in transfusion medicine and Molecular genetics
Chief, Division of Laboratory Medicine
MD, PhD, Catholic University
Ji-Yeol Lee, MD
Head, Cancer Research Institute, St. Mary’s Hospital
Professor and Head, Division of Prostate, Catholic Medical School
President, Asia Pacific Society of Urology
Y. Gianchandani, PhD
35 years of experience of research and business development in Nano/MEMS area
Professor, EECS, Univ. of Michigan
Director, Engineering Research Center, WIMS
Fellow, IEEE
Se-Joong Kim, MD
Reviewer, Journal of Korean Medicine and Science, Kidney Research and Clinical practice, Electrolytes and Blood pressure